Go-Pro Video shot in a Recliner Disappoints

Action seems to be the cornerstone of Go-Pro Videos, like the ones my niece and nephews make while skiing or snowboarding. Strapping the camera to your head and recording the action while watching TV, reading a book, or listening to music in your recliner is less engaging.
Is there a camera drone in your future?
Kit Eaton of the New York Times reported on January 2, that he was the recipient of a Phantom 2 Vision drone that with its remote controller and your iOS or Android device can take beautiful pictures and video of places unreachable to the Not-So-Young photographer.
For less than $2000., a camera drone provides a bird’s-eye view of hard to reach places.
With the drone, I could photograph land close up that was previously unreachable. I think my current -“Ranch Land to Housing” project would greatly benefit.
As the great photo journalist Robert Capa said, “If your pictures aren’t good enough, you’re not close enough.”
I am against armed military drones that appear to be outside the rule of law. Questions I ask– how do you surrender to a drone and who is accountable for grievous errors? But for now, photographers can benefit from yet another technological novelty that expands our creative possibilities.

Most of you let social media resize your photos unless
1. you hate social media and don’t want them to mess with your pictures or archive anything about you,
2. you are worried that National Geographic, other photo publications or fellow photographers will steal your photos,
3. you are a control freak who likes to do everything yourself. (The reason you have a milk cow in the garage),
4. you want to email your photos and they’re too big to fit on a computer monitor and take too much time to load,
5. you’re afraid that the NSA or other spy agencies will take an interest in your work,
6. OR you shoot huge megapixel files for maximum detail that you later process in PhotoShop or Adobe Lightoom.
If any or none of the above apply to you, visit this excellent link to learn about resizing
Goodbye for now! Please comment if you found this amusing or instructive.
© Copyright – Marlene Hutchison, 2014