
Selfie Chosen Word of the Year

Edward Steichen, Photographer-- self portrait Paris, 1902
Edward Steichen, Photographer– self portrait (selfie), Paris, 1902

Oxford dictionary named ‘selfie’ the word of the year, 2013, after  word usage increased by over 17,000 times. Almost everyone who uses the internet has posted a selfie.

 In fact, so many are uploaded daily, that the app Snapchat will automatically erase your last post for you after a few seconds.

 Share your moment to moment life without worrying that your online presence will become too cluttered and annoying.

Photographers for National Geographic  do a lot of editing. They  may shoot over 1200 pictures a day and only put 20 or 30 in their “favorites” folder.

The photographer considered to be the father of photo-jouralism, Henri Cartier-Bresson (1902-2004 once said, ” The first 10,000 photographs are the worst.”

Go ahead and fill that big shoe box in the sky

just be sure to store photos you care about in at least 3 online clouds because clouds disappear.

Selfie in Atlanta Apt. '79
Selfie in Atlanta Apt. ’79

I’ll get back to how to resize images for the web next time even though it’s almost irrelevant to most.

Copyright © Marlene Hutchison, 2014